Does leaving a plug socket on use electricity? Although individual appliances consume a fraction of what they usually do when in standby mode, the more devices you possess, the greater the cumulative effect of their continuing consumption on your energy bills. After you’re finished with the TV, computer or games console, switch everything off in the usual manner, then finally flick the electric socket’s switch to off to stop using unnecessary energy. Yes, it’s usually best to switch a plug off at the wall when your device isn’t in use. Another example is when you put your computer into sleep mode – it’s running on less energy, but it still requires power to maintain your current session and bring it back quickly when you wake the computer back up. You may have switched it off via its remote, but it’s still drawing power from the electricity socket to allow it to respond to signals from the remote control. What other devices should be turned off at the wall?Īre there any devices that should be left in standby mode?īasically, standby mode refers to any electronic device that isn’t switched on but is still receiving power from your electricity socket to allow it to continue running at a low level.

How much electricity does a TV use on standby?ĭoes turning TV off at the wall damage it?